Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Add Turbo C++ Explorer’s Compiler to Code::Blocks

Code::Blocks is a nice cross-platform IDE which supports quite a large number of compilers across different platforms. But not all the compilers are supported officially. If you wish to add a new compiler to Code::Blocks, then go through this interactive tutorial.

In this case, I'll be showing you how to integrate Borland C++ Compiler 5.82 (BCC 5.82) with Code::Blocks. This compiler is shipped with Turbo C++ Explorer edition (Please visit http://www.turboexplorer.com/cpp). Turbo C++ Explorer comes with a Great IDE. Question may arise if it has a great IDE then what is the point of integrating with Code::Blocks?

There are couple of reasons

1. Code::Blocks comes with a large number of project templates. By adding this compiler and tweaking few settings you can compile a variety of applications easily with BCC 5.82.
2. You can use the development release of wxWidgets Project Wizard (See my previous posts for more details) and Code::Blocks to develop application with wxWidgets using BCC 5.82 compiler. I've tested it and it works without any hitch.

BCC 5.82 comes with a lot of improvements and it's blazingly fast. So if you wish to upgrade your Code::Blocks projects to the New, Advanced compiler this tutorial will be very helpful. This tutorial will also be helpful if you wish to add any other compiler to Code::Blocks. The procedure will be similar.

Please remember that if you wish to develop VCL based application, then Turbo Explorer IDE would be the appropriate choice.

Visit the following url for the tutorial. It is best viewed with resolutions 800x600 or above.

Please note that the video is hosted in a free webhost. So please be patient as the file downloads.


Hope you'll enjoy the tutorial.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 License.

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