Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Revision 5 of Modified wxWidgets Project Wizard of Code::Blocks

Here comes the Revision 5 of the modified wizard. Only one new feature has been added.

  • Supports Microsoft Visual C++ 7.1 Compiler.

  • PCH support is activated for MSVC 7.1 compiler.
Few Important Notes:
  • Wizard assumes that Multi-threaded Dynamic C and C++ Runtimes are being used. If you are using wx lib statically linked with C Runtime Library (CRT) you should make couple of changes in the libraries added. I'll discuss it later in this post.

  • Wizard generated projects will fail during linking if it doesn't find msvcprt[d].lib

I've tested the wizard for MSVC 7.1 with wxPack. I've found that static libraries are statically linked with CRT. That may generate the following error if you are using this wizard with wxPack's static libs.
wxbase28d.lib(baselib_datetime.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _timezone
OLDNAMES.lib(timezone.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _timezone
OLDNAMES.lib(timezone.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __timezone
To solve this, do the following; Go to Project & Build Options menu, then go to Linker tab. Remove msvcrt[d].lib from Linker Libraries section and add libcmt[d].lib. Also remove /NODEFAULTLIB:libcmt[d].lib from Linker Options section.

Please download the wizard files from the following link.

If your installation does not have msvcprt[d].lib then visit the following websites to get more details on how to create it.

Enjoy Coding!

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